Exploring Down Payment Options and Their Impact on Mortgage Terms

Embarking on the journey of homeownership is an exciting and significant step in one's life. One crucial aspect of this process is the down payment, which can greatly influence the terms of your mortgage. In this blog, we will delve into various down payment options and examine how they can impact your mortgage terms. Understanding Down Payments: A down payment is a lump sum payment made upfront when purchasing a home. The standard down payment is often 20% of the home's purchase price. However, many homebuyers may find it challenging to accumulate such a substantial amount. Thankfully, there are alternative…
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5 Uncommon Mortgage Terms You Need to Know

When it comes to finding a new home, there are lots of complex ratios, terms, and contracts that you'll encounter - and at times, it'll feel like you're trying to navigate a minefield. Here are five mortgage terms you may not encounter regularly that you'll need to know when buying a home. Escrow: Money Held In Trust To Pay Taxes An escrow account is a bank account that your lender maintains on your behalf. When you close your mortgage, you'll need to deposit a certain percent of your annual property taxes into the escrow account, which your lender will hold…
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