Understanding How Home Equity Works and Why Buying a Home Can Be Your Best Investment

When delving into the world of real estate and investment property, there are many terms that will come up that require further explanation. Whether you've never heard the phrase 'home equity' before or you have a little familiarity, here are the ins and out of what it means and how this asset can help your financial outlook. All About Home Equity Essentially, home equity refers to your portion of the value of your home, and the amount of this figure is important because it is included among your assets when determining your net worth. If this sounds confusing, think of…
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3 ‘Must Know’ Pieces of Advice for First-time Home Buyers

When delving into the realities of home ownership, there can be many factors involved that make it difficult to determine what you need to know and what can wait until later. If you happen to be a first-time buyer who's looking for the best tips for purchasing a home, look no further than the following three pointers to set you on the right path. Get Familiar With Your Credit Score If you haven't looked at your credit report for a long time, it can be a daunting task to request this information. Fortunately, your credit report is free from AnnualCreditReport.com…
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The ‘Debt to Income’ Ratio and How It Affects Your Home Purchase

The real estate market is rife with terminology that can make a home purchase seem more than a little complicated. If you're currently looking for a home and are considering your loan options, you may have even heard the term 'Debt to Income' ratio. In the interest of simplifying things, here are some insights on what this term means and how it can impact your home investment. Determining Your 'Debt to Income' Ratio It's important to consider what exactly your DTI ratio is before your home purchase as this will quickly determine how much home you can actually afford. To…
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Thinking About Downsizing? Here’s What You Need to Know About Life in a Condo

The shift from home living to condo life may seem like a minor one, but there are plenty of things that will differentiate your lifestyle other than size when it comes to making a condominium purchase. If you're contemplating this move and wondering about some of the things that this might entail, here are a few factors that are worth considering. The Fees You'll Have to Pay While a smaller condo is unlikely to have the same associated costs as a large home, you will be paying a monthly condominium fee that will be covering maintenance and insurance so that…
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