How to Upkeep Your Home with a Year-Round Maintenance Checklist

Your home is more than just a building; it’s the setting for your life story. As you plan your monthly calendar, why not include enhancing and maintaining your home? Here, we provide a thorough guide of home maintenance tasks organized into monthly, seasonal, and year-round tips. Monthly Home Maintenance Tips Appliance Check - Regularly inspect and clean appliances such as refrigerator coils, dishwasher filters, and range hood filters. This not only keeps them running smoothly but also extends their lifespan. Inspect Plumbing - Check for water pressure issues, dripping faucets, and running toilets. Tackling these promptly can conserve water and…
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The Top Home Maintenance Mistake’s You Must Avoid

If you own a home, you understand just how important it is to take care of it. Even though a lot of people think that if it isn't broken you should not fix it, that doesn't mean you should not take care of it. Take a look at a few of the top home maintenance mistakes you need to avoid, and do not let your home fall into a state of disrepair. Allowing The Dyer Lint To Build Up Do not allow the dryer lint to build up. Allowing the dryer lint to build up can dramatically increase your chances…
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Maintain A Home’s Value With These Helpful Home Maintenance Tips

A home is an investment, so it is important to treat it as such. The best time to capitalize on a home's value is when it is sold. Therefore, it is important to take care of it with some simple home maintenance tips. There is a common misconception that if something is working well, it does not need to be fixed; however, it is always better to prevent problems from happening than to fix them after they have appeared. The average homeowner should spend between one and four percent of a home’s value per year to keep it in excellent…
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