What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – March 7, 2022

Last week’s economic reporting included readings on construction spending, written testimony from Fed chair Jerome Powell and data on public and private sector jobs and national unemployment. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. Fed Chair Hints at Rate Hikes in Written Testimony Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell indicated that consistent rate hikes of the Fed’s target interest rate range will likely occur throughout this year, but he said that the Fed would proceed carefully. Analysts interpreted Mr. Powell’s remarks to mean that he would limit each rate hike to 0.25 percent but could be higher…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – December 21, 2021

Last week’s economic reports included readings from the National Association of Home Builders on housing markets and the monthly post-meeting statement from Federal Reserve policymakers. Fed Chair Jerome Powell also gave a press conference. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also published. Builder Confidence in Housing Markets Rises by One Point in December Homebuilder confidence in current national housing market conditions rose one point to an index reading of 84 in December and met analysts’ expectations. December’s reading was the highest since February. Component readings for the National Association of Home Builders Housing Market Index were lower…
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