Why It’s Important to have a Mortgage Pre-approval Letter and How to Get One

If you are thinking about buying a new home shortly, you may already be searching online to get a feel for the different types of homes available in the local area. You may have reviewed your budget, and you may have a fair idea about a sales price that is comfortable for you to afford. While you may feel as though you have taken the preliminary steps necessary to prepare yourself to buy a home, it is important that you also get a mortgage pre-approval letter for your financing before you start hunting for that perfect new house or condo.…
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How to Calculate Mortgage Payments

Calculating mortgage payments involves several variables, including the loan amount, the interest rate, and the loan term. Here are the steps to calculate mortgage payments: Determine the loan amount: This is the amount you will borrow to purchase the property. For example, if you plan to buy a house for $300,000 and you plan to put down a 20% down payment ($60,000), your loan amount will be $240,000. Determine the interest rate: The interest rate is the cost of borrowing the money. It is expressed as a percentage. For example, if the interest rate is 4%, you will pay 4%…
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Graduating From College? 3 Things You Need to Know About Mortgages and Student Loans

Are you thinking about buying a new home using a mortgage loan? If you've just graduated from college, you're probably wondering how your student loans will impact a mortgage and what your options are. In today's post we'll share three things that you need to know about mortgages if you're still working on paying off your student loan debt. #1: Yes, Your Student Loan Will Affect Your Application You might as well embrace the fact that your outstanding student loan is going to cause some questions to be asked during the mortgage application process. Mortgage lenders have a responsibility to…
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3 Reasons to Hit the Accelerator on Your Mortgage Payments – If You Can Afford It

Does the thought of repaying your mortgage for the next twenty-plus years leave you feeling a little down? Whether you've had your mortgage for weeks or years, accelerating your payments is an excellent option that can help get your mortgage fully paid off in a shorter time frame. Let's explore three great reasons to accelerate your payments so that your mortgage debt is paid down faster. You'll Be Debt-Free That Much Faster It may seem obvious, but it's worth stating that you'll be debt-free that much quicker if you accelerate your repayment schedule. Every extra payment you make against your…
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Should You Make Extra Mortgage Payments Toward The Principal Of Your Home?

If you have recently purchased a house, you have probably taken a look at your mortgage statement and noticed that the majority of your first few payments are going toward interest. You do not start paying down a significant amount of the principal until later in your mortgage cycle. If you start to make more money, you might be interested in making additional payments toward the principal of your home. Is this a smart financial move? There are a few important points to know. You Can Cancel Your PMI Sooner One of the major advantages of making additional mortgage payments…
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Make One Extra Mortgage Payment Every Year To Save Big

When you buy a home, you probably have a budget you will try to stick to. Many people choose a 30-year fixed mortgage, and by the time you pay off the home loan, you should own your home outright. At the same time, you might be thinking about paying off your mortgage more quickly to save money on interest. Even making one extra mortgage payment per year can provide a number of significant benefits. You Can Build Up Equity Faster One of the first benefits of making an extra mortgage payment every year is that you can build up equity…
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Save Some Additional Cash with Our Guide to Lowering Your Monthly Mortgage Payment

If you are like many other homeowners, your home mortgage payment is the single largest expense in your monthly budget. This is a fixed expense that you will typically be responsible for until your loan is paid in full or until you sell your home, and you may have a 15, 20 or even 30 year term on your mortgage. If your home mortgage payment has become unaffordable or burdensome for you to manage with your current financial situation, rest assured that you may be able to save some additional cash each month without selling your home. Refinancing your existing…
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