A Quick Look at Reverse Mortgages: The Golden Ticket to Enjoying Your Golden Years

With a high volume of millennials set to enter the real estate market this year, it may seem like all the available options out there were created to snag new home buyers. However, there are products available on the market that cater to those who are in their golden years too. If you're older than 62 and are currently weighing the options with your mortgage, here are the basics on reverse mortgages and why they might positively benefit you. The Scoop On Reverse Mortgages It may seem like this mortgage option hasn't been around that long, but it was actually…
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Understanding Mortgage Amortizations and Why Longer Periods Can Cost More

Buying a home is one of the largest investments you will make in your life, and that's why so many people have longer mortgage amortization periods to pay down the principal. While it may seem appealing to have a longer amortization period, here's why an extended loan term can end up costing you more and may be less financially beneficial when it comes right down to it. About Mortgage Amortization Generally speaking, a 25-year mortgage amortization period can be typical, but there are many loan periods that a homebuyer can choose for amortization. While a longer-loan period may seem enticing…
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Understanding the Differences Between ‘Prequalified’ And ‘Preapproved’ For a Mortgage

Are you in the market for a new home? If you are going to rely on mortgage financing to cover some of the purchase cost, you will need to start the application process as soon as possible. However, what if you just need to know how much you will be able to borrow so you can start finding homes in your price range? Let's take a quick look at the difference between being 'prequalified' and 'preapproved' for mortgage financing. The Process Starts With Prequalification The first step in obtaining mortgage financing is to speak with a mortgage professional to get…
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How to Run a Quick Financial Health Check Before You Apply for a Mortgage

Are you planning on using a mortgage to help cover the cost of a new home? If so, you will want to prepare your finances and figure out how you will manage all those wallet-draining monthly expenses. Let's take a look at how to run a quick financial health check to ensure you are ready to apply for a mortgage. Update (Or Start) Your Monthly Budget First, it is essential to get the basics out of the way. If you haven't already, it's time to start a monthly budget to keep track of your income and expenses. Once you have…
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3 Things That Will Absolutely Kill Your Chances for a Mortgage Approval

If you're about to seek approval for a mortgage, you'll want to ensure you have a solid credit score and clean financial records to boost your likelihood of being approved. There are certain characteristics that lenders want to see in a mortgage applicant before they agree to give a loan, and you want to prove that you're a responsible borrower. But certain behaviors can easily tank your application and crush your home ownership dreams. Before you seek approval, make sure your finances are in order. Avoid these three mortgage-killing habits while your lender evaluates your loan and you'll quickly find…
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Understanding Mortgage Pre-Approvals and How to Avoid Being Declined for One

The mortgage process is a long and complicated one, with a number of similar-sounding terms that can easily confuse first-time homebuyers. A pre-approval is not the same thing as a pre-qualification, and it's important to understand everything that goes into a pre-approval. Being declined during the pre-approval process means you'll have a hard time getting the funds you need to buy your home, so it's important that you know what the process is going to look like before going into it. How does a pre-approval work, and how can you make sure you won't be declined? Here's what you need…
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Thinking About a New Home? 3 Reasons Why a Mortgage Will Be the Best Money You Ever Borrow

In these days of low interest rates, it can be a great idea to get into the real estate market and invest in a home. However, if you don't have the funds saved up to buy a home outright, it may seem like more of a burden than it's worth. The good news is that you might qualify for a mortgage loan, which tends to come with more favorable terms than a traditional bank loan. Here are three reasons why a mortgage might just be the best money you ever borrow. Taking Advantage Of Low Interest Interest rates have been…
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