Greenify Your Home with Our Guide to Conducting a DIY Energy Audit

The idea of conducting an energy audit on your home might seem like something complicated that should be left to the experts, but there are ways for you to make your home a little greener without consulting anybody. Instead of having someone else do the work, here are a few simple ways for you to inspect your home and green up its energy use. Do A Candle Test Of Exterior Walls Since cold air coming in from outside your home can impact your energy use significantly, do the simple test of taking a candle on a tour of your home…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – December 6, 2021

Last week’s economic reports included readings on home price trends, pending home sales, labor-sector readings on public and private-sector job growth. Weekly readings on mortgage rates and jobless claims were also released. S&P Case-Shiller: Home Price Growth Slows in September The pace of national home price growth slowed for the first time since May 2020 in September according to S&P Case-Shiller’s National Home Price Index. Year-over-year home price growth slowed by 0.30 percent to 19.50 percent from August’s year-over-year home price growth reading of 19.80 percent. Demand for homes typically slows during fall and winter; some buyers were also sidelined…
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An Overview Of A Deed Of Reconveyance

When someone purchases a house, they might have to take out a loan. Because a house is expensive, most people end up with a mortgage. Some people decide to go with a 15-year mortgage while other people decide to go with a 30-year mortgage. Eventually, after all these years, someone might receive a deed of reconveyance. What does this mean, and how does it work?  Homeowners Own The House, But With a Lien After purchasing a house, homeowners legally own the house, even if they have financing tied to a mortgage. Even if someone purchases a home with only 3.5…
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3 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More ‘Pet Friendly’

Whether you're moving to a new home or you have a new family pet, it can be a struggle to make the place a little friendlier for them. From the garbage can to the cupboards and doors, there can be a lot of dangers that have the ability to hurt your furry friend you might not be aware of. If you're looking for some simple ways to make their life a little easier, here are a few things you can do. Take Care Of The Trash The image of dogs sifting through the trash is common for a reason, so…
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Overcoming Anxiety as a First-Time Home Buyer

There are many people who are thinking about buying a home for the first time. Even though this is an exciting experience, there are also people who develop anxiety when purchasing a home. This is a major financial decision, and it is critical to get it right. What do people need to do if they want to overcome anxiety as first-time homebuyers? Maximize The Credit Score Before applying for a home loan, everyone should maximize their credit score. Everyone has the right to request one free credit report per year. This is an opportunity for people to take a look…
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